[Conversations] Critical Conversations on Conflict & Peace: Transatlantic Tensions: Navigating Conflict Between the US and the EU

  • 22/03/2025
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Full Circle House, 89 Ch. de Vleurgat, 1050 Ixelles
  • 16


  • Reduced rate for students, interns, unwaged. Please provide proof of status at check-in.
  • Available to Full House Members, until the start of the event.
  • Free tickets for those who need it. Sign up and places will be allocated before the event.



Transatlantic Tensions: Navigating Conflict Between the U.S. and the EU

with Sandra Djuvara Melone & Hilde Deman as special guest

 Conversations  Sat 22nd Mar / 5-7 pm

Our host, Sandra Melone, will lead us this month in a conversation regarding the growing tensions between the United States and the European Union: what is happening, and what that may mean for us all.

Our Special Guest is Hilde Deman, the Executive Director of Search for Common Ground, Europe. Search is one of the world’s leading peacebuilding organisations, and has headquarters in both Washington, DC and Brussels. Hilde is an expert in conflict transformation and women’s rights and leads Search’s global programmes portfolio. She has also worked with UNFPA and Oxfam in the Great Lakes region, and in Yemen on Women, Peace and Security, human rights, and protection. Hilde is from Belgium, and lives with her family in Brussels.

Open to everyone | Booking required
Bar open



Our host is Sandra Djuvara MeloneCEO of Zancora Consulting, which she founded in 2021, with a strong expertise in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, crisis management, human rights and, not last, gender. With a vast experience on the ground, she has worked across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. She knows first hand what living through civil war is like. Sandra is the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Search for Common Ground, Europe, one of the world’s leading international non-governmental organisations working in peacebuilding and conflict transformation, where she's been involved in various roles since 1995. Sandra is a founding member of the European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation (EPCPT), of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), and of the Child Soldiers Initiative (CSI). Before dedicating her career to conflict transformation, Sandra worked in human rights advocacy with Amnesty International, and in international education.





Bar open with snacks

 Small (10-20) Available on request

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