[Hybrid Salon] François Gemenne: We all have a black friend

  • 24/11/2021
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Full Circle House & ONLINE


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A salon with François Gemenne

Wed 24 Nov / Ideas / 6:00 - 8:00PM

Migration is a hot subject. One that François Gemenne dedicates his career to researching and understanding in all its intricacies and taboos. Public discussion is often polarised around borders issues, quotas, police violence, the veil, discrimination and mostly fears. Can we do any better?

In his latest book, On A Tous Un Ami Noir, François deconstructs received ideas on migration, and debates why Western societies - France in particular - look so suspicious and tense on this subject. Himself a foreigner, living in France for over twelve years, he does away with ideologies and brings in calming new reflections and facts that are all too often absent from debates. He shows that it is possible to think about migration in a rational and peaceful way. Join us to find out more.



François Gemenne, a specialist of environmental geopolitics and migration dynamicsis a FNRS senior research associate at the University of Liège where he also directs the Hugo Observatory. He is also at Science Po Paris. His research deals mostly with environmental and migration governance. He has worked in particular with populations displaced by environmental changes, including natural disasters, and the policies of adaptation to climate change. He has conducted field studies in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, Tuvalu, China, Kyrgyzstan, the Maldives, Mauritius and Japan, after the Fukushima disaster. He has been involved in a large number of international research projects on these issues. In 2015, he was recipient of a Fulbright scholarship to pursue research at Princeton University. In 2010, he was awarded the ISDT-Wernaers Prize for achievement in the communication of science to the general public.


On A Tous Un Ami Noir (2020), Dis, C'Est Quoi L'Immigration? (2020), Atlas De L'Anthropocène (2019), Géopolitique Du Climat (2015), Geopolitique Du Changement Climatique (2015).


Hugo Observatory - Environment, Migration, Politics


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