[Music] Jazz Cafè: Kenzo Néra & Joël Rabesolo

  • 28/10/2022
  • 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM (CEST)
  • Full Circle House


  • For Full Circle members
  • Students, unwaged, stagiaires

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Full Circle x Jazz4You

Jazz Cafè: Kenzo Néra & Joël Rabesolo

Fri 28th Oct / Music / 8.00pm

Kenzo Néra & Joël Rabesolo, harmonica-guitar

Kenzo Nera is a Belgian harmonicist based in Brussels, and a  singer in his spare time. With Malagasy guitarist Joel Rabesolo, they engage in a rich repertoire that combines jazz, Brazilian music and rock classics. Playing as a duo grants free rein to their joyful creativity, spontaneity and virtuoso flights.

 Join us for an evening filled with great live music and fabulous atmosphere.

- Dinner option available -

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