[Salon] The Commons with Michel Bauwens

  • 06/11/2019
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (CET)
  • Muntpunt Library, Place de la Monnaie 6, 1000 Bruxelles


  • Free: salon tickets included in annual membership fee
  • Reduced rate for students, interns, unwaged. Please provide proof of status at the check-in.

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The Commons

Evening Salon / Wed 6 Nov / 6:30 - 8:30 pm

The feeling is increasingly widespread - we’re locked in an outdated capitalist system, relying on broken models and theories that seem ill-fitted to our modern age. Is there an alternative to capitalism and big industry as we know it? Michel Bauwens, leading Belgian peer-to-peer theorist, says there is. If we start to look at big industry as simply a choice, rather than a necessity, our whole view of economics can be revolutionised. Bauwens argues that new emerging social, political and economic ecosystems will replace those models of yesteryear and lead economics into a new post-capitalist realm, which will not only fit the current demands of globalisation, but will also be sustainable for all. Join him to learn about the visionary yet real possibilities of the change towards a commons-centric economic system.


Michel Bauwens is a pioneer in the emerging field of Peer-to-Peer theory and the founder and president of the P2P Foundation. He travels extensively, giving talks and holding workshops on P2P and the Commons, as well as writing broadly on the subjects of technology, culture and business innovation. Bauwens also serves as Research Director for CommonsTransition.org, a platform for policy development, and is a founding member of the Commons Strategies Group, which organises global economic conferences.

  • Peer-to-Peer, the Commons Manifesto (2019)

P2P Foundation homepage

Blog posts written by Michel Bauwens

Peer-to-Peer Relationality by Michel Bauwens

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